There was a time not too long ago, when Chinese Huawei's elegant 4.7-inch Ascend P6 held the title of the thinnest smartphone ever made. With a profile measuring at just 6.18mm, Huawei's flagship was one of the slenderest phones out there. That is, until the Vivo X3 came out, of course.
The Huawei Ascend P6 may not be the most popular phone worldwide, but it was a big hit with locals, with a whopping 2 million pre-orders, and we've come across people handlign the device on the street more than once. Those of you that have gotten their hands on a Huawei-branded phone before, are probably aware of its Emotion UI skin on top of Android, and the various tweaks the custom ROM offers. Unfortunately, as is the case with most any such customizations, they tend to lag behind official Android updates, and significantly. Huawei appears weary of this trend, and has announced on Weibo that it'll be leapfrogging Android 4.3 altogether and going straight for Android 4.4 KitKat, at least on the P6. The new firmware should be cooked and ready to go by the end of January next year, so about two months or so from now.
It's currently unknown when the international public can hope to see KitKat grace the slim-lines of their Ascend P6s, though we should hope not too long after.
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